
Roadtrip: Washington DC

 A Christmas road trip. That's what we planned this year. On December the 23rd we put our bags in my in law's car ad we started our journey to Washington DC. We were expecting cold weather, and maybe snow...but it just didn't happened. Instead, we got a weather that remind me of what people say London is like. It was cloudy, with light rain every now and then, but still, Washington's beauty shined through!
I absolutely loved the architecture. The houses, were just beautiful as they preserved their historical movement. And of course, the buildings, monuments, and museums where just enormous, definitely a spectacle for the eyes.

On Christmas Day, we visited George Washington's mansion at Mount Vernon. The house was absolutely stunning. So many details put into that house, and the surroundings were just magical!. It was a very foggy day which in my opinion gave it a marvelous touch the whole experience.

{ Me with my inlaws, nephew and son}

We really enjoyed ourselves in DC, but now we are back in Orlando.This week we are getting the weather we wished for Christmas, so it's all good.

Happy Tuesday

Happy New Year!

We received 2016 doing what we love, worshiping God! 
Two bands from Puerto Rico: Sueno de Hormiga and ZYX worship, came to Tierra Nueva to receive the new year with us, so we sang and dance the night away.
I hope you guys had an amazing New year's eve and that this new year can be
a blessed one for ALL of you!
Thank you for your support even though I am not blogging as much.
I would like to change that ;-)
Have an amazing week!

Matenity Photoshoot

Hi guys!
Today I wanted to share this maternity photo shoot that my husband 
and I worked on a few weeks back.
It was soo exciting to work together as a team and we are so
 happy with the outcome.

We went for a boho feel for this photoshoot and we went to this beautiful park  with a southern elegance, nestled on a lake side setting in the heart of central Florida. I had the opportunity to style her outfit and do her make up/ hair, and it was a lovely experience, she was a sweetheart
to work with and she looked absolutely beautiful.

For bookings: jcphotolog@gmail.com
Orlando, Fl
Facebook page: JCPHOTOLOG

And she got married to her best friend...

Last week, was magical. After waiting for a year to
be right by my sister's side on her wedding,
that day finally arrived last Saturday! 
We spent a few days in Puerto Rico 
to celebrate the Big day, and everything
 turned out like they wanted.
There was no doubt, that God granted them such blessing.

There ceremony included close friends and family.
The decor was simple, with
beautiful rustic- vintage touches.
It was an honor to be her matron of honor, and
my son did such a great job as the ring bearer.

As I am writing this, I am back home, 
looking back at all the memories from that day. 
The reception was super fun, there was a lot 
of dancing involved and many many laughs! 
May God continue to bless your 
life with Roberto....
love you sis.

Tierra Nueva

These last couple of months have been special. God moved us to Tierra Nueva, a latin church here in Orlando and it has been an amazing journey so far. In our life as christians, my husband and I have gone through different stages. It was clear that God wanted to take us in a different direction this year, to be in a different level, and even though it's been challenging, it's all worth it. Today I can say that I feel closer to Him, my faith has gotten stronger, and even the way I worship is transforming each week.

 My other church, which was american, was a great home church for seven years. It was the one I accepted Christ and I surely learned a lot. But as I said, the more you want to learn from God and get closer to Him, the more everything changes when you are willing to do His will...and in our case, it required a new ministry.

Last weekend we did an acoustic set and I was so happy. Singing with my guitar is something very endearing to my heart. Not too long ago I realized that the worship I would give without my guitar was different from the one with it. I felt so bad because that was such a mistake. My worship does not depend from an instrument. From that moment on, I made sure to give my best worship without it because He deserves my all! But even though I learned my lesson, I can deny the fact that I love doing worship with my guitar. Nonetheless,
with or without it, I give my best to God.

Every day is a new blessing, an opportunity to enjoy this beautiful world, so go ahead and have a great weekend. If you declare it, it will BE!


                           Gypsan Top c/o- Lala lala Turban c/o-Nine West sandals
                           Forever21  rings and silver cuff- Urban Outfitters fringe bag              

Long time no see. What can I say, summer always has a way to take me away from blogging.
The heat is not my friend and oh boy, it's been a very hot summer. I did enjoy it though! We were able to make many visits to the Wekiwa Springs and Aquatica. But now, I am sooo ready for fall. I'm ok with not wearing these shorts which have been loyal to me the whole summer. I paired them this time with this lovely tunic from  my peeps at Gypsan. I love the lacey material, and since it is see through,I used a tank underneath.

Today we went to Down Town Orlando and the weather was nice, still a bit hot but it was dry!
Lake Eola it's a very special place. You can see beautiful white and black swans, and also rent swan-shaped paddleboats! It's a really fun sight.

The past couple of months have been very challenging, but exciting. God keeps pushing us out of our comfort zone, and making changes in our lives. We are up for it. We have come to understand that everything is His. Following His lead is the best choice...

Have a beautiful Tuesday guys!

Floral and Lace


Gypsan Bells c/o-Hapiness Boutique Ancient coins necklace c/o
Forever21 cuff and silver midi rings-Soulmakes bracelets
HM Basic top-Gifted Turquoise ring

Hello my loves! I kind of took a mini blogging vacay since the weather in Orlando has been either really hot or really wet. We've been pretty much doing "water" stuff like going to water parks or Springs, but we don't mind it, we actually love it!

Since I had a couple pieces sent to me recently, I put together this casual look around them. The first piece is this beautiful coin necklace from  Happiness Boutique. I loved the quality and design of it, which I have seen before at other stores but this one is pretty affordable. They have many different designs of necklaces, earrings, among other items to suit any style. Happiness Boutique offers free shipping and also a  reward program where you can accumulate points towards free stuff! If you want to see more, do check them out!

The second piece I want to talk about are this awesome  Gypsan bells! I immediately loved the pattern and colors since I am a "blue" fan. They are very stretchy even though they are made of lace, which makes them comfy and  just beautiful. 
I hope you guys like this boho summery look and have a great week!


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