
Bloglovin as GFC Replacement!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Hello ladies!

 It looks like there will be some changes up ahead.
 Google Reader shuts down on July 1, so if you are still following me on there, it's time to switch over to Bloglovin'

I just started using Bloglovin' and imported all of my favorite blogs and 
I am already loving it!
 The clean layout makes scrolling through the blogroll
 such a breeze!

Creating an account is very quick and easy.
 So head over there now and jump on the Bloglovin' bandwagon!

< Click down below>

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  1. Thanks for leaving such a darling comment on my blog!

    Have the best week ever,

  2. I read about it a few weeks ago!
    I'm going to follow you on bloglovin', dear <333




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