
San Fransisco

Monday, January 14, 2013

Pictures are not mine

Today I wanted to share with you some
 images of San Fransisco!
In less than a month I will be flying with my
 family and in laws and I am super excited.

My husband took me for the first time about 6 years ago
to celebrate Valentines Day
 and I fell in love with the city.

This is going to be our third visit!! 
 (yeah, that's how much we love it)
I am looking forward to go the mountains and have
 some fun in the snow, sipping amazing wine at Napa Valley, and exploring the city even more than the last time!

If you live in San Fransisco or have been
I would love any suggestions of places/ things to do!

Have a great day!


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  1. It looks really nice there! Maybe I should plan a trip myself to San Fransisco in the summer!

  2. Amazing pictures!
    Please check out my new post + hype!

  3. Good scenes. Love your blog. Lets follow each other

  4. lovely piks, seems like you had a lott of funn!!

    hope you visit my blog sometime and we could follow each other:0


  5. these photos are so nice. I can imagine San Francisco is wonderful.
    I am from Europe and unfortunately I have never been too the US,
    but I hope to get there one day :)
    I wish you a great stay in San Francisco,you have a reaaaally nice blog,
    what about following each other ? :))


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