
MAC Venomous Villains!

Hello guys!
Today I went to MAC to get some goodies!!
The Disney collection was out today so I went to pick only Bite of an apple blush.
I ended up adding  Darkly my dear blush and one of the pro long wear lippies... hehe
Both blushes are gorgeous!!! 
I love they have a matte finish.
I really want to keep building my blush collection with matte finishes.

and here they are!!

Bite of an Apple blush
Bright coral with reddish undertones

Darkly my Dear Blush
Dirty mauve

The blushes are very pigmented so a light hand is needed when applying them ;-)

 Pro long wear Till tomorrow
Gorgeous nude!!!

Are you getting something from this collection?


  1. Hey hun yes I purchased some items I wasn't quite impressed! :-( but how do you like the pro long wear lippie?

  2. I know, the collection was not that exciting so I skipped a lot of it.. only these 2 blushes standed out for me.. I am loving the pro long wear lippie!! It does not feel drying, it's very creamy. I'm gonna use it tomorrow that I am going to be working a long shift to see how well it holds up hehe ;-)

  3. Love the packaging. I havent bought anything yet... Keep us posted on the lipstick! Have fun at work!

  4. I wanna own a prolong wear lipcreme ! :( I blogged about it but out of frustration because I've been waiting for it for so long and it's still not available here. :( How do you find the line? :)

  5. ohh que lindos son, quiero uno :)

  6. @ Laura and traveliztera: I really like the pro long wear but I did notice it dried my lips a little at the end of the day
    @ Lucy: jeje, siii son bellos!! :D

  7. Aw I'm jealous about the Bite of an apple blush!!! I don't have a good blush and think I need it. Unfortunately I don't have a Mac Store around to check out if this is a good shade for my skin type :(

    Can't wait to see a review on your blog!!! :)))


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