
Almost a horror story!

As you all know I was very excited to finally go to the unveiling. I did my make up last night, picked up my friend, and got there like 10 minutes before.
We waited on line for a little bit and then they let us in. It was crowded, the store it's kind of small but my friend and I were excited. We started looking at the collections and the pink one was the 1st. I'm not really into pink shadows so I passed them, even though I really liked the crush metal stack but I did not buy.

Later on though, there was a girl with such a pretty lip combo going on and I asked her if she had that done with the prodcuts from the collection and she said yes. The combo was Pink Burst l/s with Electric fuschia l/g oh my! it was gorgeous! so I will be picking that later on. Next stop was the Bronzey one. I was eyeing already Springshine ombre from Specktra threads. Then we moved to the purples and the purple quad got my attention to the point of putting it on my list. We stopped shopping for a little while and we just started to hang out, getting a drink and what not and then we saw a MUA doing a look with the bronzey quad on a lady and I fell in love with the palette. I do not own colors like that so I got that one instead of the purple one. I do have purples already so  yup. So when I thought I was done with my list, I see this other lady applying a lipglass and it looked so gorgeous and it was Golden Dust and I thought it could look so pretty on top of Bronzilla so I added those to the list.
We where finally done so we went to the register when the nightmare happened. My card did not go through becasue it had expire 2 days ago! I left empty handed, so angry and sad at the same time. I could not believe I was leaving without my precious goodies.

I called the store this morning and told the manager what happened and she is gonna let me pick up my goodies today!!  I really liked the Bronzilla face chart so I might get that oak lip liner too

So that is my story.. :-D

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the event and yey for being able to finally buy your stuff :)


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